Tis’ the season for law firm marketers and marketing committees to begin the debate over holiday cards and gifts. Electronic or printed? Who gets what? How much will this all cost? Can you put a price on repeat business or referrals? The main problem: your mailing list. For all but the biggest and best-organized firms this […]
A lawyer in her second year of practice decided to relocate to a new city, and build her practice from scratch. She called us asking for tips about business development priorities and direction. While the discussion was with a younger lawyer, this advice applies to all lawyers no matter the stage of their careers. A […]
The world of marketing has always been and will always be a relationship business. All of the digital marketing and speeches in the world can only take a relationship so far. Maintaining consistent contact with referral sources and doing good work for existing clients is integral. Also, for firms looking toward succession planning, having the […]
The much-respected law firm management consultancy BTI reports that 33 percent of law firms recently surveyed will increase their Marketing and Business Development (MBD) budgets for 2019 – that is three times more firms than last year, and the largest number of firms increasing their MBD spend in nine years. These firms may be making their investment […]
We are often asked why law firms, percolating along for years and making a fair amount of money for their shareholders, should devote time and money to writing a marketing plan or having their current business development efforts formally reviewed. We’ve found some data answering those questions. PLANNING IMPROVES PERFORMANCE A study in the Journal of […]
We appreciate you taking the time to respond. All participating firms are eligible to receive a free copy of our book Legal Marketing in Brief®, as well as a copy of the results. This is our 13th bi-annual National Marketing Effectiveness Survey of corporate, transactional, and commercial/defense litigation law firms with less than 100 lawyers. It […]
A good lesson on how to ensure you are effectively conveying your expertise to clients, prospects and referral sources follows a construct I learned at my first job, that being as a daily newspaper reporter. Every Thursday, our city editor would walk over to every reporter’s desk. Back then the Rocky Mountain News had a robust staff […]
What you do after you refer a matter to another lawyer or professional is as important as having made the referral in the first place. The reason: you want to make sure the person you referred was well-served and fairly billed. If they weren’t, it will reflect poorly on you and do your practice harm. […]
Local and regional corporate, transactional and defense firms are hiring full-time in-house marketers while reducing their firm’s out-of-pocket marketing expenses – moves that align with drops in marketing budgets reported recently at much larger competing law firms. Our just-completed 2016 National Marketing Effectiveness Survey of more than 100 local and regional law firms (median size […]
Tis’ the season for law firms to begin the debate of holiday cards and gifts. Who gets what? How much will this cost? Can you put a price on business referrals? On and on… The main problem: the mailing list. This is often the most difficult (and dreadful) task for both the staff and attorneys […]