I recently posted here saying that a new study reveals blogging dramatically increases web site visits and LEADS. Now there’s more evidence that social media will increase revenue and that it must be fully considered for your law firm marketing plan mix. Although this latest survey was not specific to professional services we take careful […]
Businesses that blog at least 20 times per month generate 5 times more traffic than those that blog fewer than 4 times per month,” the report reveals, adding that those businesses also generate, more importantly, 4 times as many leads. Now we’re talking, it’s not so much about traffic, it’s about case leads. But we […]
We do not recommend firms purchase added profiles of lawyers in the special supplements offered in prestigious local and national publications to further highlight lawyer peer-review rankings and ratings. We make this recommendation despite it likely rankling some of our decades-long good relations and friendships with the raters– Super Lawyers®, Martindale-Hubbell® and The Best Lawyers […]
Stating their goal is greater transparency, Martindale Hubbell has announced it’s changing the rules governing how it displays your peer review rating online. They’ve also changed how you will learn of and what occurs when you suppress or comment upon written feedback made by other lawyers and clients on your profile. It surprises many of […]
Many state and local bar associations, and a few notable national entities, have now abandoned their printed membership directories. More broadly, our analysis and recommendations in response to this, which appear below, prompts us to remember lawyers and firms must have a process for managing all of your online contact information. Every law firm marketing […]
Research has long shown nothing is more powerful than a word of mouth recommendation from a trusted source— but a new study shows failing to fully back it up by properly managing your online reputation will quickly subvert the hard work you invested to get someone to pass your name along. In other words, due […]
A best practice is to list representative matters in which you have been involved on your biography on your law firm website. The test for that list being most effective for referring and retaining lawyers is: The representative matters shows familiarity with a potential client’s industry, say, oil and gas The list shows familiarity/experience with […]
Research has long shown nothing is more powerful than a word-of-mouth recommendation from a trusted source, but a new study shows failing to fully back it up by properly managing your online reputation will quickly subvert the hard work you invested to get someone to pass your name along. In other words, due to the […]
Media coverage, including comments and linking by influential bloggers, can create credibility for lawyers and firms, and result in file and case inquiries. Here’s the outline of a mechanism that can help maximize traditional and online media coverage for you and your firm: Create a list of publications and blogs, including any key trade publications […]
A law firm must track the time its lawyers spend on marketing. The reason: you can’t evaluate and manage what you don’t measure. It is an old management adage that is still accurate today. Unless you measure something you don’t know if it is getting better or worse, and you can’t properly construct your law […]