Every insurance defense lawyer would like to be able to charge higher hourly rates. Over the decades nearly every insurance defense law firm marketing plan we’ve written has included this as a goal. It makes sense to represent former commercial insureds directly, or in matters where the client has a self-insured retention and control selection […]
Recent studies of how lawyers and non-lawyers find and evaluate legal counsel confirm the practice of law has always been a relationship business and remains a relationship business despite the growing importance and use of the Internet. In combination, the studies indicate that a genuine relationship based on providing relevant information leads to higher hourly […]
When you make a speech, hold a seminar or briefing for clients, prospects and referral sources the marketing effort does not end when you say good-bye at the door to those who attended. It is a best practice to send a brief summary of the highlights (takeaways) of any speech or presentation to people who […]
I recently learned a better way to remember and construct the answer to the most important and most common marketing question lawyers are asked. The question: What do you do for a living? The answer: “I + (action word) + (target market) + (problem solved or benefit provided).” Many refer to this answer as your […]
Certain marketing tactics are controversial. Some are not. Putting your firm’s logo on a gift or other promotional item falls into the latter category. Here’s research on the effectiveness of and trends in the use of “schwag.” A study conducted by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), which admittedly has a dog in the fight, claims […]
A new American Bar Association study about how people find a lawyer for a personal, as opposed to a business, legal matter confirms that printed yellow pages apparently provide just a fraction of the value they had two decades ago. Also, despite the hype about online marketing it’s cultivating the opinions of your current and […]
This month and next, thousands of law firm partners will fly off to sunny resorts for trade group meetings and in the process spending tens of millions of dollars on airfare, hotels, meals, drinks, greens fees, even some behavior best not mentioned here. While some of the time spent away will create value by earning […]
Research shows people who kept their New Year’s resolutions tended to break them down into smaller steps and reward themselves when they complete each step. They also tell their friends and colleagues about their goals and the steps as they are taken. They focus on the benefits of success and keep a diary or talk to […]
An online marketing strategy should be included in every law firm marketing plan, and we advise all of our clients closely follow their state ethics schemes when developing and maintaining websites and blogs. However, only a few states have directly addressed the Internet marketing era. The guidance out there is scanty with few states having […]
A new study reveals, despite the seeming deconstruction of traditional news media, people are spending on average nearly 30 percent more time every day accessing news than they were 10 years ago. Make your firm’s communications newsworthy, not self laudatory, to clients, prospects and referral sources and your law firm marketing plan will have tapped […]