Legal Marketing in Brief

NO DATABASE? You’re killing your rainmakers and driving up marketing costs

In the three decades we have been marketing law firms, so much has changed.  But the fundamental and most common…

8 years ago

Build, Maintain and Evaluate Your Business Contact Network

  By Amber Vincent "In today's complex society of comparably skilled, interdependent people, it is more true than ever that…

8 years ago

REPORT: Associate billing rates increase more than partner rates. It also reveals how cross-selling lets firms charge a premium.

Analysis of a new report on $19.6 billion of approved legal department invoices reveals to maximize firm profits partners should…

8 years ago

Consider How Scott’s Uses Baseball When Your Firm Sponsors or Donates

The business case for sponsorships and charitable donations in an employer's local community is well documented:  it increases brand awareness…

8 years ago

3 Tenets of a Good Law Firm Coaching Program

Originally, coaches were hired to help fix the acerbic behavior of rainmakers who caused heavily-recruited and talented younger lawyers to…

8 years ago

SURVEYS: Marketing spending down, staffing and personal effort up

Local and regional corporate, transactional and defense firms are hiring full-time in-house marketers while reducing their firm's out-of-pocket marketing expenses…

8 years ago

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

Tis' the season for law firms to begin the debate of holiday cards and gifts.  Who gets what?   How much…

8 years ago

Five Digital Marketing Trends Your Firm Should Embrace

Online marketing is a huge piece of a law firm's strategy, yet like the technology driving it, the tactics are…

8 years ago

How Fast Should You Respond To Calls And E-Mails?

You should return client calls and emails on the same business day and within four hours. That's the new standard…

9 years ago