Not enthusiastic about signing a stack of printed holiday cards and thinking that an electronic one will suffice this year? You might want to consider the following: If your only relationship with someone is a digital one, an e-mail card is fine, according to what little research there is on this topic. If the recipient […]
Legal marketing spending has rebounded to pre-recession levels according to our new national survey of local and regional business law firms. Another key finding in the survey in which we sought to determine what marketing tactics work best and which are in decline in addition to spending patterns: law practices must effectively embrace digital promotion […]
Why should firms spends tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of attorney hours year-after-year writing alerts, developing trainings and client seminars? Why discuss their client’s business strategy, visit client offices and tour client facilities? Add in the expense of attending the key meetings and trade shows their clients attend so they are fluent in […]
Should you buy an ad in a publication that is honoring your client when they are given your firm’s name as being a key vendor? There are two views here of this decades-old media practice, commonly seen in the construction community but being adopted elsewhere, and an ethics issue. The first view is that the […]
We commonly see two mistakes on firm websites related to lawyers bios, one related to ease of contact and the other regarding immediate credibility of the lawyer. They are important to address because the most often visited pages on your site in sum, even more than total opens of your Home page, are lawyer bio […]
We have always found it curious that while our lawyers list ethics, pro bono, community projects and in recent years green initiatives as important aspects of their marketing message the law firm clients we survey never mention them as substantively affecting referrals and retention. A new study shows why this may be the case. We […]
Many lawyers regularly receive unsolicited listing offers that on the surface look good and which universally include some combination of the words national, global, registry or some other ego-tapping term. Most all of these in our experience are not worth the time to read much less any associated fee. None involve or are based on […]
It depends. Lawyers can build solid portions of their practices from such groups, but as often as not quit them in frustration. The evaluation starting point is the group needs to be cohesive and that’s attained by member being similar in age, educational background, income, occupational prestige, marital status— the research-proven criteria for creating trust […]
We are often asked what is the single most difficult marketing problem facing local and regional law firms. Our answer: database development and management. What we mean by this is simple – most law firms do not have a reliable and updated system of managing client and other contact information. Software companies call it “client […]
If you got this notice from AVVO and have a 10 rating we recommend you ignore it. If you don’t have a 10 rating, consider making the effort to ask for client reviews. It can’t hurt to have client reviews on AVVO, but if you have a 10 already we doubt this helps you because […]