Alyn-Weiss’ Marketing Brief

What clients want from a law firm website?

Aug 7th, 2014 | Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

In fact, the truth is more than half (56%) of clients never visit their law firm’s website. Remember, clients expect to learn everything they need to know from their partner. There’s no need to go to the site. That’s from Michael Rynowecer of BTI, writer of one of the better practice management blogs, the Mad […]

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Big firm lawyers are not twice as good, but charge twice as much as small firms

Jul 24th, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Our clients, the local and regional full-service law firms of 50 or so lawyers, regularly talk about the value their reduced billing rates present but struggle to actually quantify and properly package the advantages when talking to key prospects with a regular flow of files. New survey data reveals just how compelling that rate difference […]

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Reaching out to potential clients

Jul 8th, 2014 | Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Here’s what you should do if you’ve had head your head down for a few months finishing a large case or transaction and it feels like your referral base feels languid.  The single most effective effort will be for you to list everyone who referred you a case or whom you represented in the past […]

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Differentiating characteristics you might use to create a brand

Jun 25th, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

We hear a great deal of empty talk about “branding” law firms.  Many seem to think it’s all about a catchy tagline or snazzy signature image. Hundreds of firms spend tens of thousands of dollars in search of one or the either every year. At the heart of branding any professionals service (or product) are […]

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Why your firm should send a client survey

Jun 11th, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Many law firms are uncomfortable doing client satisfaction surveys, a key step in writing a marketing plan.  It often takes time to convince recalcitrant law firm partners that only good comes from asking clients how you can improve your firm and service.  I mean “good” as in seeing increased referrals from clients that we can […]

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Should your firm buy advertising in a local magazine?

May 22nd, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Absent having a robust social media program, solid presence in national bar and influential local trade groups, membership in a vibrant law firm network, holding the key peer-review ratings, a law firm will find itself with little choice but to consider comparably cost-inefficient marketing tactics, particularly directory and specialty magazine advertising. We were reminded of […]

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Rainmaking: Another Study Reveals How Much Time You Should Spend

May 4th, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

The landmark 2003 study of women rainmakers— the first definitive report tabulating how much time lawyers spent to create a solid book of business— was updated a few years back and reconfirmed the finding of the original report. As well, in February 2014 yet another study was released confirming the time investment required to become […]

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Work shifting to smaller firms

Apr 17th, 2014 | Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Saw yet another report this month confirming the shift of work to firms like that we represent, the local/regional corporate, transactional and defense firms.  A report from Lexis Nexus reveals “The legal work has gone (from Big Law) to “Large Enough” firms (200-500 lawyers), which were responsible for 22% of legal billings (up from 18% […]

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What’s in a plan?

Apr 3rd, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

When we write a law firm marketing plan for a corporate, transactional or defense firm, we always survey clients to determine why, among other things, they retained the firm originally, why they keep doing business with the firm, what they expect of the firm’s lawyers and what the firm might improve upon. The results drive […]

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Who should I include in my marketing database?

Mar 27th, 2014 | Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

A client asked me this morning: Who should I include in my marketing database for emails? Should it be just clients, everyone under the sun, or a hybrid? A comprehensive database should include: clients (including the insureds, if you that kind of work, to whom you need to develop an approach for direct assignments, assuming […]

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