Not enthusiastic about signing a stack of printed holiday cards and thinking that an electronic one will suffice this year? You might want to consider the following: If your only relationship with someone is a digital one, an e-mail card may work, according to what little research there is on this topic. If the recipient […]
I have trained hundreds of lawyers to use LinkedIn®. The training covers basic profile updates, an overview of what the platform does and how to use it to maintain frequency with Connections. The need to understand and use LinkedIn is clear for professionals. The network has evolved and grown tremendously since its launch in May 2003, […]
“We’ve seen firms lose their next generation of owners while waiting for seniors to transition out.” ~2018 Law Firms in Transition Survey, Altman Weil In its just released report of 801 firms, Altman discovered “almost 40% of firms surveyed attribute chronic lawyer under performance to (Baby Boomer) partners who are ‘coasting into retirement’.” You […]
We are often asked why law firms, percolating along for years and making a fair amount of money for their shareholders, should devote time and money to writing a marketing plan or having their current business development efforts formally reviewed. We’ve found some data answering those questions. PLANNING IMPROVES PERFORMANCE A study in the Journal of […]
Lawyers involved in large transactions or preparing for complex trials often tell me they have no time for personal business development, that they cannot spare an hour for a lunch with a referral source or to attend a community, trade or bar meeting they would otherwise. That’s a mistake, one captured recently in popular media […]
We appreciate you taking the time to respond. All participating firms are eligible to receive a free copy of our book Legal Marketing in Brief®, as well as a copy of the results. This is our 13th bi-annual National Marketing Effectiveness Survey of corporate, transactional, and commercial/defense litigation law firms with less than 100 lawyers. It […]
A good lesson on how to ensure you are effectively conveying your expertise to clients, prospects and referral sources follows a construct I learned at my first job, that being as a daily newspaper reporter. Every Thursday, our city editor would walk over to every reporter’s desk. Back then the Rocky Mountain News had a robust staff […]
It’s the time of year when we often are advising laterals and their firms on how to maximize the value of the move. Most advice you’ll read targets a lateral’s clients with active files that transfer and which are likely to have future potential matters the assignment of which is not guaranteed. Also, clients without active matters […]
In the three decades we have been marketing law firms, so much has changed. But the fundamental and most common institutional weakness of even the most talented groups of lawyers has not – their mailing list (now otherwise known as their marketing database). No matter what you call it, however, most all but the largest […]
By Amber Vincent “In today’s complex society of comparably skilled, interdependent people, it is more true than ever that success is less a function of what you know than who you know and who knows you.” Dr. Ronald S. Burt Department of Sociology, University of Chicago After their license, the most valuable, and often […]