The advent of social media and rise of “citizen journalism” through blogging, LinkedIn and Facebook communications is putting most business lawyers and litigators into what amounts to what we once all dubbed media lawyers. In response we are creating a presentation, that includes a tutorial in how to use social media, so lawyers unfamiliar with various social media […]
A lawyers Web site biography is his/her most important marketing document. Law firm marketing consultant Bob Weiss of Alyn-Weiss & Associates gives the best practices for regularly updating lawyer biographies.
An in-house counsel has finally said publicly– in a prepared statement appearing in national media– what so many of us who are marketing boutique and small firms have long known being that it’s not always best to hire a big firm when faced with big exposure. Quoted in The National Law Journal, an in-house counsel […]
My thoughts on lawyer and law firm ratings and directories just given to a reporter writing about Chambers USA. Why has Chambers has so quickly established widespread credibility? Super Lawyers and Martindale have programs in place to build their brands. The latter is even doing TV advertising to enhance the value and reach of their […]
Professionally speaking, social media has created a phenomenal opportunity for people to share and receive information about their business and expertise instantaneously. While social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and market our services, it has not changed the fact that we must mind our manners. Here are a few tips for ensuring your […]
Lawyers must invest time in writing deetailed biographies on a firm’s Web site. That’s the first observation in a series we will be posting this summer summarizing comments made by several panels of sophisticated buyers of legal services with whom we have recently sat. “It really irritates me when a lawyer’s online bio or profile […]
Just attending the regular meetings of trade groups and community organizations, and a working committee, is not enough. A lawyer needs to do more than that to generate the credibility needed for members to hire or refer them. One of my employment lawyer clients said last week that for two years now he has been […]
When I was president of our local humane society I was saddened and surprised at how common it was for pups just over 12 months of age to be surrendered at the shelter. Frustrated owners commonly said they could no longer stand their pet’s chewing and other mischief. What we knew and tried to explain […]
Another surprising statistic has appeared as we analyze the results of our latest bi-annual survey of law firm marketing effectiveness— 77% of the 120 corporate, transactional and defense firms reporting to us say they have received work directly through their Web site. The consumer bar– PI, bankruptcy, whistleblower and family– years ago figured out the […]
We’re compiling the results from our latest bi-annual National Marketing Effectiveness Survey of Corporate, Transactional and Defense Firms. As trends emerge from the data, we’ll be issuing alerts. Here’s our first: Nearly half of all firms– a dramatic increase from two years ago– report they are using formal search engine optimization (SEO) in an attempt […]